Individual Guidance Session


Through guided sessions, we will explore your goals, your desires, and the challenges you are facing. We’ll use a combination of deep inner work, practical strategies, and breathwork sessions to provide openings and clarity to your experiences.

Our sessions together are supportive to any therapy or additional modalities you might already be using. We will strengthen your ability to read your body’s physical sensations and emotional responses. We all have innate body wisdom that often hold the key to the positive change you are seeking.

sliding scale options are available – for more information, contact me.

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What are Guidance Sessions…

Through Guidance sessions, we will explore your goals, desires, or challenges you are facing. We’ll use a combination of inner work, practical strategies, and breathwork sessions to provide clarity to your experiences.

Together we will embark on a journey to expand awareness and understanding. We will explore all facets of your intentions and clear the path from what is blocking them. The destination is always the Truth – your Truth – so that you can live a more joyful, meaningful, and authentic life.

My work integrates coaching strategies, inspiration, and breathwork.

You are the healer, I’ll walk beside you…


The Benefits of Guidance

  • Interrupt & heal lifelong patterns

  • Unlearn behaviors & belief systems that are stuck on repeat

  • Nurture intuition

  • Gain creative expression

  • Harness your purpose

  • Connect with your Creative Process

  • Learn how to grow through joy and play, rather than pain and suffering


What to Expect in Your Session

In your session, expect a safe, supportive space where we'll uncover old belief systems and life patterns, then work together to reframe them into authentic, empowering new beliefs. We’ll work together as I guide you through practical steps to help integrate these changes into your daily life, offering support and insight as you take aligned steps and practices toward your goals. This session is designed to foster personal growth, self-discovery, and a deeper connection to your true self.


After You Book

Please add to your contacts to ensure you receive all communication regarding your session. If you don’t see a confirmation email, check your spam folder.

Once your booking is confirmed, I will personally reach out to you to discuss whether an in-person or virtual setting is best for your session. This message will also include available dates, contact information, and any additional details to help you prepare. If you have any specific questions or preferences before our session, feel free to reply directly to that email, and I’ll be happy to assist.


Not sure if Guidance / Coaching sessions are right for you?

I offer a free 15-minute consultation to answer your questions and explore how Guidance/Mentoring can support your personal journey.


Couples Session
Individual Breathwork Session